

Barry Goldstein, with over three decades of experience, is a visionary composer and sound expert at the intersection of music and healing. His Grammy-winning production and vibrational expertise blend artistic expression with scientific innovation. Barry collaborates with industry leaders like Dr. Daniel Amen and Dr. Joe Dispenza, harnessing music for emotional and cognitive wellness. He coined the term 'acousticeuticals' for his innovative products merging sound with health benefits, widely used in hospitals and medical practices.

Barry’s work in musical branding creates sonic signatures for corporations, entrepreneurs, and influencers, magnifying their missions. His approach to film and TV music leverages his knowledge of music's emotional impact, enhancing storytelling. Barry's portfolio includes the Grammy-winning "69 Freedom Special" with Les Paul and ambient soundscapes for Shirley MacLaine, charting on Billboard's top ten New Age albums. He also focuses on teaching music's therapeutic applications, furthering his impact on wellness and personal growth.


Barry has worked with some of the most inspirational speakers, authors and musicians in the world as a producer, composer and product developer.

Interview with Good Morning America

What People Are Saying About Barry

  • "Barry’s certainly done his homework to educate you about the world of sound and vibration. He also has given you ways to let go of anything that stands in the way of you and your true potential. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have."
    Dr. Joe Dispenza - New York Times best-selling author of You Are the Placebo and Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
  • “A wonderful book that cannot help but be a joy to all who have the good fortune to read it.”
    Neale Donald Walsch - New York Times best-selling author of Conversations with God
  • “Powerful, wisdom-filled, and practical! The Secret Language of the Heart is the go-to manual for awakening the power of the heart in love, healing, and everyday life!”
    Gregg Braden
    New York Times best-selling author of The Divine Matrix and Resilience from the Heart
  • “The Secret Language of the Heart is a very special gift on how to use music, sound, and vibrational tools to optimize your mind and body. Barry Goldstein is not only a talented musician, he’s also a great communicator who gives you step-by-step instructions on how to use sound to feel more focused, relaxed, creative, and happier overall. I highly recommend it.”
    Daniel G. Amen, MD, founder of Amen Clinics and New York Times best-selling author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life
  • “The Secret Language of the Heart unveils the true blueprint of music beyond art and entertainment as a vehicle for coming home to the heart and optimal health. Barry and his work are both passionate and filled with love.”
    Don Miguel Ruiz, author of New York Times best seller The Four Agreements
  • “In The Secret Language of the Heart, Barry Goldstein creates a roadmap with music as a vehicle for journeying back to and grounding into our authentic self. I love his music and would highly recommend his work to anyone seeking to go deeper into the realms of his or her own heart, mind, and soul!”
    Anita Moorjani, New York Times best-selling author of Dying To Be Me
  • "The healing that occurs when you open up to the vibration of music is something I have experienced firsthand. I love that Barry Goldstein has bridged the gap between science and spirituality through the one language we all can understand . . . music! The Secret Language of the Heart provides musical prescriptions for a more healthy and joy-filled life and is a must read."
    Sunny Dawn Johnston author of The Love Never Ends and Invoking the Archangels
  • “I have worked with Barry Goldstein and his inspiring music and sound techniques for over ten years with hundreds of clients. Now everyone can have access to his practical wisdom in this uplifting and user-friendly book. The Secret Language of the Heart is a must for anyone on a spiritual path.”
    Barbara Biziou, global ritual expert and author of The Joy of Ritual
  • “Barry’s exploration of sound and vibration and their uses to create more vibrancy and healing in everyday life is exceptional!”
    Sarah McLean, director of the McLean Meditation Institute
  • “A timely and compelling read. A revealing, unique, and purposeful book that is in alignment and harmony with the new world in which we live. The Secret Language of the Heart is it.”
    Maureen Moss, author, consciousness teacher, and catalyst for change
  • “Barry Goldstein is one of the most innovative musical minds to surface in the area of transformation and healing. Understanding the creative process, he has discovered new ways to release the blocks that we experience and create the flow that should be part of our nature. I am a huge fan and have employed many of his techniques to create a harmonious balance for both healing and creating joy.”
    Robert Cutarella, two-time Grammy Award–winning producer
  • “In this powerful yet user-friendly guide, Barry Goldstein maps out and defines the important role of Music, Sound and Vibration in creating heart and brain coherence.  “The Secret Language of the Heart” provides innovative tools, solid research, and compassionate insight to fuel the creation of your own daily music program and is a reminder that the intersection where science and spirituality meet lays at the crossroads of your heart. “
    Deborah Rozman, CEO Heartmath Inc.
  • “This jewel of a book is extraordinary in its simplicity and depth. I stress simplicity because a true master has the ability to take something complex and make it seem simple. Barry Goldstein is truly a master musician, and by spending time with this book you will come to appreciate and embrace music in ways you’ve never imagined.”
    Blaine Bartlett, speaker, author, consultant, executive, and leadership coach
  • “I love this book. Barry has composed a symphony of stories and scientific research explaining how the vibrations of music can heal your life and transform your heart.”
    Andy Dooley, creator of Vibration Activation
  • “Barry Goldstein completely rocks and is one of the most lovingly authentic people I’ve ever met. In The Secret Language of the Heart, Barry offers us his heart while teaching readers how to heal and transform their lives through the art of music. The various techniques Barry shares are engaging, insightful, and easily accessible for any reader. May this book serve all who read it.”
    Chris Grosso, author of Indie Spiritualist and Everything Mind
  • “This book is genius! A brilliant resource and dynamic hands-on guide to crafting your own harmony of living, with vibrant health and the wisdom from within our own hearts.”
    Heather McCloskey Beck, author of Take the Leap
  • “Barry Goldstein's voice resonates with such power and energy! His music has always been a source of inspiration for me, and now this book takes things to a whole new level. I am so grateful Barry has taken this step, and I know thousands of others are about to agree with me. “
    James Twyman Best selling author and Peace Troubadour
  • “For thousands of years, music has been a language that speaks to the heart. In The Secret Language of the Heart, Barry Goldstein gives us a sound program to fine-tune our heart awareness and listen to music in a new way—from the inside out. A modern program incorporating ancient wisdom!”
    Don Miguel Ruiz Jr., author of The Five Levels of Attachment
  • “In The Secret Language of the Heart, Barry Goldstein provides easy yet profound steps in creating a heart-centered program to improve your health and quality of life. Whether you are a musician or not, now you can lead a life filled with harmony!”
    Colette Baron-Reid, author, intuitive, medium, musician, and artist
  • “The Secret Language of the Heart awakens and activates the unsung song of the heart and brings us to coherence between mind, heart, and nature. Personal healing and global awakening happen when these energies come together, and Barry Goldstein has done an amazing job of capturing the tools to begin this magnificent journey of becoming the music that we are.”
    Dr. Sue Morter, founder of the Morter Institute for Bioenergetics
  • “The Secret Language of the Heart provides a significant new approach to creating harmony and balance within by using the power of the heart’s song. Barry Goldstein blends modern and ancient sound techniques with holistic counseling to completely transform stress and heal the body. This book empowers readers to experience the compassion so necessary for the evolution of our consciousness in today’s world.”
    Dr. Darren R. Weissman, developer of the LifeLine Technique and best-selling author of The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude
  • “Seldom does one find so much life-changing wisdom in such a small and readable volume. Now I know that as I explore the scientific basis of sound and music healing I can fine-tune my creativity and enjoyment with well-chosen music. And what a difference it makes! This book is a masterpiece and will make a big difference in the lives of many people. Thank you, Barry!”
    James L. Oschman, PhD, author of Energy Medicine
  • “Barry Goldstein’s new book takes the healing power of music, sound, and vibration to a whole new level of transformation for your body, mind, and spirit!”
    John Holland, spiritual medium
  • “The many forms of music, sound, vibration, and acoustics that Barry Goldstein recommends support heart rate variability (HRV), which in essence reveals the truth of the heart-brain connection. The Secret Language of the Heart is a must read to learn how to access musical gateways for cardiac rejuvenation and renewal.”
    Dr. Stephen Sinatra, board-certified cardiologist and author
  • “After twenty-seven years of experiencing great music through vibration, I know that music is the language of the soul and can assist the mind in reaching inner divinity. In The Secret Language of the Heart, Goldstein creates that great meaning of great music.”
    C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, founder and CEO of the National Institute of Holistic Medicine and editor of the Journal of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine
  • "If anyone knows how music can heal your heart and spirit, it's Barry Goldstein. Not only is he a brilliant musician and composer, but his music has the remarkable ability to take you into the depth of your soul, In his book he gives us information that makes this journey accessible to anyone. I highly recommend this very special book."
    Denise Linn - Best Selling Author and teacher

Barry’s Best Selling Book The Secret
Language of the Heart

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In his new book the Secret Language of the Heart, Barry shares how every one of us—the musical and nonmusical alike—can harness the power of music to alleviate specific illnesses, reverse negative mindsets and attitudes, dissolve creative blocks and improve overall health. Backed up by the latest scientific research on the benefits of sound, music, and vibration, this book offers practical, concrete instructions for healing that can be tailored to suit your individual preferences and needs. The book has received praise from pioneers in the medical arena such as, Dr. Daniel G. Amen, Dr. Norman Shealy, Dr. Stephen Sinatra and Dr. James Oschman. Research on the benefits of Barry’s music is currently being conducted, and Barry is a sought-after speaker for medical and motivational conferences.


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